George K Sisler

George K Sisler

On episode three hundred and fourteen, the story of George K Sisler is told. All stories in May and June will be recipients from the Vietnam War Be sure to visit our website for more information as the show goes on at: Thanks for listening and be sure to share with friends and family!

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George was born on the 19th of September, 1937 in Dexter, Missouri. He was a member of the Army National Guard and Army Reserves before he enlisted and served for four years in the US Air Force. He also worked as an Alaskan smokejumper in remote parts of Alaska, helping fight wildfires. George attended Arkansas State University, from which he graduated with an education degree, and he then joined the US Army again, this time in active duty. He attended Officer Candidate School and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant on the 22nd of June, 1965. By the time George was deployed to the Republic of Vietnam, he was a First Lieutenant and was the Assistant Intelligence Officer for Headquarters Company, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), First Special Forces, and it was his actions on the 7th of February, 1967, that would earn him the Medal of Honor. The citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and above and beyond the call of duty. 1st Lt. Sisler was the platoon leader/adviser to a Special United States/Vietnam exploitation force. While on patrol deep within enemy dominated territory, 1st Lt. Sisler's platoon was attacked from 3 sides by a company sized enemy force. 1st Lt. Sisler quickly rallied his men, deployed them to a better defensive position, called for air strikes, and moved among his men to encourage and direct their efforts. Learning that 2 men had been wounded and were unable to pull back to the perimeter, 1st Lt. Sisler charged from the position through intense enemy fire to assist them. He reached the men and began carrying 1 of them back to the perimeter, when he was taken under more intensive weapons fire by the enemy. Laying down his wounded comrade, he killed 3 onrushing enemy soldiers by firing his rifle and silenced the enemy machinegun with a grenade. As he returned the wounded man to the perimeter, the left flank of the position came under extremely heavy attack by the superior enemy force and several additional men of his platoon were quickly wounded. Realizing the need for instant action to prevent his position from being overrun, 1st Lt. Sisler picked up some grenades and charged single-handedly into the enemy onslaught, firing his weapon and throwing grenades. This singularly heroic action broke up the vicious assault and forced the enemy to begin withdrawing. Despite the continuing enemy fire, 1st Lt. Sisler was moving about the battlefield directing air strikes when he fell mortally wounded. His extraordinary leadership, infinite courage, and selfless concern for his men saved the lives of a number of his comrades. His actions reflect great credit upon himself and uphold the highest traditions of the military service.

George Kenton Sisler was twenty-nine years old when he died. He and his wife Jane had two children, David and James, and he is buried in Dexter Cemetery in his hometown. The Arkansas State University's Reserve Officer's Training Corps has a Ranger Challenge team is named Sisler's Raiders in his honor and his name appears on Panel 15E, Line 7 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC.

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