Tales of Honor Podcast

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Edward A Bennett Jr

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Edward was born on the 11th of February 1920, in Middleport, Ohio, where he grew up and eventually was drafted into the US Army at the age of 23. In just over a year, he was deployed with 1st Battalion, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division and it was his actions as a Corporal on the 1st of February 1945, that would later earn him the Medal of Honor. The citation reads:

He was advancing with Company B across open ground to assault Heckhuscheid, Germany, just after dark when vicious enemy machine-gun fire from a house on the outskirts of the town pinned down the group and caused several casualties. He began crawling to the edge of the field in an effort to flank the house, persisting in this maneuver even when the hostile machine gunners located him by the light of burning buildings and attempted to cut him down as he made for the protection of some trees. Reaching safety, he stealthily made his way by a circuitous route to the rear of the buildings occupied by the German gunners. With his trench knife he killed a sentry on guard there and then charged into the darkened house. In a furious hand-to-hand struggle he stormed about a single room which harbored seven Germans. Three he killed with rifle fire, another he clubbed to death with the butt of his gun, and the three others he dispatched with his .45-caliber pistol. The fearless initiative, stalwart combat ability, and outstanding gallantry of Cpl. Bennett eliminated the enemy fire which was decimating his company's ranks and made it possible for the Americans to sweep all resistance from the town.

Edward remained in the Army after the War and received the Medal of Honor from President Truman on the 12th of October 1945 in a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House. When the Korean War began, Edward received a commission and managed to retire at the rank of Major in October of 1962. He also received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and four Purple Hearts over his eighteen years of service. Though I am not certain when, Edward was married to Thelma Louise and I could not find record of children, even with Thelma’s gravestone saying “loving wife and mother”. Edward Andrew Bennett Jr died on the 2nd of May 1983 at the age of 63 and he is buried with Thelma in the Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California: Section 2-B, Grave 1071-A.