Tales of Honor Podcast

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Charles J Berry

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Charles was born on the 10th of July 1923, in Lorain, Ohio, where he also grew up. After graduating from Clearview High School, he worked as a truck driver until he enlisted into the US Marine Corps on the 1st of October 1941. Charles received his recruit training at Parris Island and also completed parachute training at the Marine Barracks in New River, North Carolina, before being promoted to Private First Class. With the 1st Parachute Battalion, he deployed to the Pacific and served in the Bougainville Campaign and the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, also known as Operation Cherry Blossom, on the 1st and 2nd of November 1943. Charles returned to the States in February of 1944 and deployed again to the Hawaiian Islands with the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines, 5th Marine Division, where he would be promoted to Corporal. His final service would take place on Iwo Jima, where he landed on D-Day, February 19th, 1945, and it was his actions there that would later earn him the Medal of Honor. The citation reads:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a member of a machine-gun crew, serving with the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines, 5th Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces during the seizure of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, on 3 March 1945. Stationed in the front lines, Cpl. Berry manned his weapon with alert readiness as he maintained a constant vigil with other members of his guncrew during the hazardous night hours. When infiltrating Japanese soldiers launched a surprise attack shortly after midnight in an attempt to overrun his position, he engaged in a pitched hand-grenade duel, returning the dangerous weapons with prompt and deadly accuracy until an enemy grenade landed in the foxhole. Determined to save his comrades, he unhesitatingly chose to sacrifice himself and immediately dived on the deadly missile, absorbing the shattering violence of the exploding charge in his own body and protecting the others from serious injury. Stouthearted and indomitable, Cpl. Berry fearlessly yielded his own life that his fellow marines might carry on the relentless battle against a ruthless enemy, and his superb valor and unfaltering devotion to duty in the face of certain death reflect the highest credit upon himself and upon the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

Charles Joseph Berry was 21 years old when he died on the 3rd of March 1945, and he was initially buried in the 5th Marine Division Cemetery on Iwo Jima. He was later reinterred into the Elmwood Cemetery in his hometown of Lorain, Ohio, where he now rests with his parents: Section 12, Lot 5248, Grave 1.